Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Toddler"

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Toddler" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen toddlers und preschoolers und kindergartens und kids ?
A: Toddlers are very young children who are still learning to walk very well, so they "toddle" or walk imperfectly, kind of wobbly, unsteady type of walking a lot. Toddlers are roughly when they start to walk (often around 1 year old), up to about 3 years old are usually considered toddlers. So, 1-3 years old = toddlers usually. But if a child is late in learning to walk, they won't be called a 'toddler' until they learn how to walk, no matter their age.

Preschoolers and kindergartners both are talking about school ages. Preschool comes first, and is younger. Then the next for school is kindergarten. Then the year after that they start first grade. (At least, this is true for American schools. School years are different in Britain and in Australia.) Preschool is mostly 3-5 years old. Kindergarten is usually around 5-6 (depending on when the child's birthday is for the schoolyear deadline).

Kids is a general term. Most of the time, it means roughly 10 years old or younger. This is because kids around 11-12 years are called pre-teens, which are sometimes called kids and sometimes not. They're kind of inbetween. Then 13-19 are all called teens or teenagers, because the age has 'teen' at the end of the number, so thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, etc. But sometimes the term 'kid' can be used for anyone under 18, because they are all legally considered underage or 'minors'. Or parents might still call all of their children 'kids' even after they are grown up. So 'kids' can be a bit more general in meaning, sometimes, depending on context.

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