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Q: Toefl independent task 1/4

To be responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at a young age.

Money is playing a very important role in this world today, and it is one of the most crucial inventions throughout the history of a human being. Since we had created and used money, so people have not had to care about the way they collect things like barter. Therefore, I think it is better that children should learn to manage their own money at a young age. On the other hand, I can also understand the other side, so children can play whatever they want without any pressure of learning financial things.

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Q: I'm studying English for Toefl test and would like somebody to correct my writing essay. I highly appreciate any support from English Native speaker.

Im my view, I disagree to the idea people today spend too much time for their personal enjoyment because of two reasons.

First, I don’t see such a kind of difference in the people’s life between contemporary people and previous people. Regardless of the era, some people spend their life time for themselves and other people spend the one for other people or doing something good for others.
For example, when I was a little kid, the presence of local community was bigger and we were very close to the local community. In that environment, there were many chances to help with each other. If my mother is out of town, neighbors invited me to their home to have a dinner together. So that was the time that people spend their time for others or common community.
On the other hand, I see more people today who participate in provono or some volunteer activity for their community. Even it’s not for just neighbors, it’s sure that there’re many people who want to spend their time to do something good for their society.

Second, I believe the important value for people get to similar because IT was well evolved and the world has been getting smaller and closer. It’s different from the previous era but the contemporary people more see the reality in the world and recognize the social problems or challenges existing in the world. For example, regardless whether you’re in Africa or in US, many people want to solve the problem in Africa and believe solving or helping to solve the problem is valuable to themselves. So I believe it’s dynamic change of the value sense and people are living for all now.

In conclusion, because of two reasons mentioned above, I disagree to the statement.
A: Im my view/ In my opinion, I disagree to the idea of people today spending too much time for their personal enjoyment because of two reasons.

First of all, I don’t see such kind of difference in people’s lives between the present generation of people and the previous one. Regardless of the era, some people spend their life time for themselves and others spend it for other people or doing something good for others.
For example, when I was a little kid, the presence of a local community was bigger and we were very close in the local community. In that environment, there were many chances to help eachother out. If my mother was out of town, neighbors invited me over to their home to have dinner together. So that was the time that people spend their time for others or the common community.
On the other hand, I see more people today who participate in provono or some volunteer activity for their community. Even it’s not just for their neighbors, it’s sure that there are many people who want to spend their time doing something good for their society.

Secondly, I believe the important value for people get ??????? It’s different from the previous era but the present generation see the reality of this world more and recognize the social problems or challenges existing in the world. For example, regardless whether you’re in Africa or in the US, many people want to solve the problem in Africa and believe solving or helping to solve the problem is valuable to themselves. So I believe it’s a dynamic change of the ????? and people are living for ????????.

In conclusion, because of two reasons mentioned above, I disagree to the statement.

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