Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Valid"

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Valid" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen valid und legitimate ?
A: Oooh, great question!

Legitimate relates to legality - the law. It’s not only used in legal issues but it’s useful to know that, to know where/when to use it.

So being legitimate means it has legal value, legal rightness. Again, not always used so formally.

You can be the legitimate heir to an inheritance. And in royal/aristocratic families, they might speak of an illegitimate child, i.e. born outside of marriage, possibly with another father/mother, who would not inherit the title or wealth.

Even 40 years ago, ordinary people might talk about a child being legitimate or illegitimate because the parents weren’t married, or they were from an extra-marital affair.

Otherwise, legitimate is mostly about the rights to something, like a legitimate insurance claim, or even among countries, for example agreed by the UN or other global executive organisations: a legitimate war/attack or embargo, etc.

Valid is quite similar to legitimate in some contexts. They can often be interchanged.

That is a legitimate argument.
That is a valid argument.

Her opinion is legitimate (permitted).
Her opinion is valid (accepted).

A ticket or a document can be valid or invalid because the date is wrong or a signature is missing. Try taking a train with a ticket that is only valid for the one that left an hour earlier. They won’t let you on the train.

I have a disabled badge for parking. It’s only valid if the date is correct and I place it correctly and visible in my car window.

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