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Q: 3-months vegan challenge. Results.
Just want to say I don`t force someone to abandon meat or smth, I just wanna share results and my point of view.
From the 1st of October I decided to try being vegan. It was my informed decision, because I`ve already tried some nutrition experiments during this year and just wanted to try something new. Actually I almost didn`t eat meat and fish, but cheese was like a drug for me. For the experiment I decided to exclude meat, fish and seafood, cheese, eggs, milk and dairy products from my diet. I had some fails like eating ice-cream some times and some bakery stuff that probably may contain some eggs and milk, but anyways I proud myself. The goal of the experiment was to clean my body and to know how do I feel without eating all these stuff. But in general, I was prompted to abandon these products aren`t love for animals, and the ecological situation. I watched several videos about how much recourse are spent to get 2 kg of meat or 1 liter of milk for example. As I started to learn the problems of ecology, I wanted to check if it possible to not eat it. What conclusions have I done? The first think I understood is I don’t want to eat meat, fish and seafood again. I doubt only about salmon, I need to try it again, maybe I won`t get so much pleasure from it like before. As for milk I'm quite used to vegetable milk and as knows adult organism is not needed in milk. As for cheese, I will eat it, but much less. I in no case don`t want to force myself to exclude anything, I just listen to my body and it happens naturally. After cleansing of the organism you start hearing what your body wants. Most of people may think it is nothing to eat then, but actually there are plenty of kinds of delicious food that not include animal products. To sum it up I wanna say I’m fully satisfied with this challenge and my body says me “Thanks”. So new experiments will come in New Year! klingt das natürlich?

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