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13 Feb 2019

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  • Englisch (US)
Frage über Englisch (US)

Colleges and university should be the place where students could develop their responsibility for their lives. In this vein, I do disagree with the statement that colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide guidance for students. This is because college students do not prefer to follow directions, and giving students free of choice for courses could have them develop themselves.
To begin with, I do not agree with the reason and argue that college and university students prefer to making their decisions by themselves than to follow directions. College students and university students had gone through the rigid rule in the high school, and thus must be sick of following directions instead of making their decisions. Of course, some opponents would argue that as they would be accustomed to following directions, they would also like to follow the guidance in the university or college. However, even if some students prefer to follow direction than to make decisions by themselves, the college and universities should have them make their decision on their own as such a capability is really essential for them to live the world. For instance, there is a well-known theory, responsible mindset theory, in sociology. The theory argues that responsibility can be raised by practicing making a decision by themselves and the capability of making a decision is very important to succeed. This is because no one can succeed and live their life successfully just by following the guidance. Grounded the example, I believe that students do not prefer to follow the directions and even if they prefer it, the university should have them make their decisions by themselves in order to raise their responsibility.
Secondly, going further from the previous argument, I believe that letting students take a lot of elective courses is the best way to develop students mentally and intellectually. By taking elective courses, students could not only find their interests and talent but also improve their responsibility for their lives. On the process, their potential can be bloomed. Some opponents could argue that without some guidance, students would be distracted and wandering. To some extent, I admit their argument. However, if there is some, not much, guidance, students would not be distracted and detect their interest and talent and, by extension, raise the capability to bloom their potential. For instance, at the Seoul National University, the best university in South Korea, has some rules for students to should take more than 150 credits of elective courses. It aims at improving student’s capability to make decisions on their own, and additionally make the chance to find their interests and talent. owing to these kinds of rules, the Seoul National university annually has produced outstanding individuals.
In a nutshell, I do disagree with the statement based on the following reasons: college and university students do not prefer to follow directions, and providing students free of choice for courses could let them develop themselves significantly. By letting students select courses by themselves, colleges and university could be the place where students could improve their ability to live in the world on their own.
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