Aktualisiert am
11 Nov 2016

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Französisch (Frankreich)
  • Englisch (UK)
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Was bedeutet Somehow when I thought you hated the touch of women, I assumed it was okay. ?

(At a gay bar, a nice guy gave a woman a piece of advice that helped her a lot. She was so touched that she hugged him.)

Woman: (hugging him) Whoa. <sniffs> Oh my God, you smell so good. This means so much coming from a super-hot gay guy.

Guy: Oh, thank you. I'm not gay.


Woman: I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for the smelling and the groping.
Somehow when I thought you hated the touch of women, I assumed it was okay.


Is the woman saying that she thought it would be okay to hug and smell him when she was convinced that he didn't like the touch of women because it's not like sexual harrassment??

Thank you.
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Was bedeutet Somehow when I thought you hated the touch of women, I assumed it was okay.?
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