Aktualisiert am
19 Jul 2019

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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"I feel welcome" Vs "I feel welcomed"

Is there any difference in the two in meaning?

Actually I heard that expression spoken by a football player in a public interview who had just newly been transferred to a new club.
But the ending sound was unclear, so I was confused about whether it was "welcome" or "welcomed"

Thank you for your help.

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  • Englisch (US)

  • Koreanisch

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"I feel welcome" Vs "I feel welcomed"

Is there any difference in the two in meaning?

 Actually I heard that expression spoken by a football player in a public interview who had just newly been transferred to a new club.
 But the ending sound was unclear, so I was confused about whether it was "welcome" or "welcomed"

Thank you for your help.
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