Aktualisiert am
25 Jul 2019

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Portugiesisch (Brasilien)
  • Spanisch (Mexiko)
Frage über Englisch (US)

Could you correct my errors in my writing?

Why can a disruptive business model make companies stand out among their competitors?

The reason is that these days, many companies are struggling to get more sales by improving the quality of products and lowering the price.

That means many companies put importance on Value preposition( offering). However, some other components of a business model make your company outstanding.
There are nine components of a business model to assist you in succeeding in your industry: customer segments, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure.

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  • Englisch (US)
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Could you correct my errors in my writing?

Why can a disruptive business model make companies stand out among their competitors? 

The reason is that these days, many companies are struggling to get more sales by improving the quality of products and lowering the price. 

That means many companies put importance on Value preposition( offering). However, some other components of a business model make your company outstanding. 
There are nine components of a business model to assist you in succeeding in your industry: customer segments, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, key activities, key resources, key partners, cost structure.
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