Aktualisiert am
20 Jul 2015

  • Vietnamesisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Japanisch
Frage über Englisch (US)

Was bedeutet "just happened upon" ?

I read a research on social media and they write:

"Only 29% of the total social audience posts 5+ times per week. However, this 29% accounts for 85% of all updates.
+Contrary to this, over half of social media members post 1x per week or less.
+Not surprising, nearly half of all respondents indicated they “just happened upon” the items they purchased from social media."

I don't understand the meaning of the phrase, look forward to your help, thank you so much
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  • Englisch (US)

  • Vietnamesisch
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Was bedeutet "just happened upon"?
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