Aktualisiert am
13 Apr 2020

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Japanisch
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Frage über Englisch (US)

Deep breathin excersises have been part of yoga practices for thousnads of years, but a recent research done at Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital document the positive impact deep bbreathing has on your body's ability to deal with strss.

Q. I think the verb "document" in the sentece should be in a past tense. What do you think?

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Deep breathin excersises have been part of yoga practices for thousnads of years, but a recent research done at Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital document the positive impact deep bbreathing has on your body's ability to deal with strss.

Q. I think the verb "document" in the sentece should be in a past tense. What do you think?
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