Aktualisiert am
27 Mai 2020

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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Frage über Englisch (US)

Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 1. I took my daughter to her school every morning.
2. Today is the day my daughter enters elementary school.
3. She got a rose at school.
4. I brought some bread but I am going to eat it later.

Can you correct the sentences?

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  • Englisch (US)
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  • Englisch (US)
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[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 1. I took my daughter to her school every morning.
2. Today is the day my daughter enters elementary school. 
3. She got a rose at school.
4. I brought some bread but I am going to eat it later.

Can you correct the sentences?
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