Aktualisiert am
8 Sep 2020

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)
  • Englisch (US)
  • Französisch (Frankreich)
  • Japanisch
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Frage über Englisch (US)

Was bedeutet Looking back to his childhood, there was an instant he's touched on at the gut that's been bubbling away in his mind for a long, long time. ?

I can roughly get the idea, but I am quite confused by part of the sentence.

1. "He's touched on" — I don't really get this passive expression. He was touched on ... by what?
2. "at the gut" — I know gut can refer to certain qualities. But what does this phrase mean specifically?
3. "Bubbling away" — does this mean something disappearing smoothly and quietly?

Thank you in advance!
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  • Englisch (US)

  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)
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Was bedeutet Looking back to his childhood, there was an instant he's touched on at the gut that's been bubbling away in his mind for a long, long time.?
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