Aktualisiert am
29 Nov 2020

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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Frage über Englisch (US)

I'd like to know how the causative verb "get" in the sentence below grammatically works.

"We just go there.We just go there and meet her.Next week, when I take you for the lab tests.I 'll get you singed out for the hole dayThen we can go to Littlehampton on the way back."

I can hardly grasp what "I'll get you sighed out "means because according to LONGMAN DICTIONARY, the causative verb get takes a thing as an object instead of a personal pronoun such as you,him or her.
Also, what does it make a difference compared to the usage of a causative verb such as "get sb to do".?
Thank you in advance!

[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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I'd like to know how  the causative verb "get" in the sentence below  grammatically works.

"We just go there.We just go there and meet her.Next week, when I take you for the lab tests.I 'll get you singed out for the hole dayThen we can go to Littlehampton on the way back."
I can hardly grasp what "I'll get you sighed out "means because according to LONGMAN DICTIONARY,   the causative verb get  takes a thing as an object instead of a personal pronoun such as you,him or her.
Also,  what does it make a difference  compared to the usage of a causative verb such as "get sb to do".?
Thank you in advance!
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