Aktualisiert am
4 Jan 2021

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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Frage über Englisch (US)

These sentences are from "Yogic Path Journal" explaining about Kriya (divine flow when you are living your life's purpose). I don' t understand the first sentence.

You know that feeling when you 're just on one?
You meet the right person at the right time who says to right thing to give you the exact spark you wanted. That is Kriya.

What does "~ when you are just on one " mean?


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  • Englisch (US)

  • Japanisch
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These  sentences are  from "Yogic Path Journal" explaining about Kriya (divine flow when you are living your life's purpose). I don' t understand the first sentence.

You know that feeling when you 're just on one?
 You meet the right person at the right time who says to right thing to give you the exact spark you wanted. That is Kriya. 

What does "~ when you are just on one " mean?

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