Aktualisiert am
28 Feb 2021

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)
Frage über Englisch (US)

a) Sometimes we have "packed" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

b) Sometimes we have "heavy" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

c) Sometimes we have "demanding" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

Which makes sense and sounds natural the most?

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a) Sometimes we have "packed" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

b) Sometimes we have "heavy" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

c) Sometimes we have "demanding" schedules with a lot of things to do and work we need to take care of.

Which makes sense and sounds natural the most?
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