Aktualisiert am
3 Jun 2021

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Portugiesisch (Brasilien)
Frage über Englisch (US)

It's easy to think of counseling when we just talk about psychology, but there are many areas of psychology. It can be largely divided into clinical/consultative, developmental, industrial/social, cognitive/biological/experimental, etc. The areas I am interested in are clinical psychology and cognitive psychology, which can be said to be a field of counseling and treatment for patients with mental illness. It helps to analyze and treat patients with objective data through some behavioral therapy or psychological tests. Cognitive, physiological psychology is the study of the structure of the human brain, the study of changes in the brain and the body, and the study of changes accordingly.

My efforts to achieve my dream are to read psychology books or thesis. Especially in the future, I want to go to the U.S. or Germany where science is ahead of Korea, so I am studying German and English as hard as I can.
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