Aktualisiert am
18 Sep 2021

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (UK)
Frage über Englisch (US)

‎"The Role of the Teacher"

(When I say this sentence in an interview, does it sound natural?
I don't want it to be too casual, but on the other hand, I don't want it to be too formal.)

The role of a teacher is not just to impart knowledge. It is to be an advisor to the learner and to teach them the most important things, such as morals. For example, technology can allow teachers to understand the progress and where to need help the most. After that, educators can offer customized materials and content to each student according to their levels, which will motivate them. Also, since teachers are more mature than students, they have a role to play in showing what is important to them as people. This is something that even cutting-edge technologies such as AI cannot do.

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  • Englisch (US)

  • Japanisch
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‎"The Role of the Teacher"

(When I say this sentence in an interview, does it sound natural? 
I don't want it to be too casual, but on the other hand, I don't want it to be too formal.)

The role of a teacher is not just to impart knowledge. It is to be an advisor to the learner and to teach them the most important things, such as morals. For example, technology can allow teachers to understand the progress and where to need help the most. After that, educators can offer customized materials and content to each student according to their levels, which will motivate them. Also, since teachers are more mature than students, they have a role to play in showing what is important to them as people. This is something that even cutting-edge technologies such as AI cannot do.
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