Aktualisiert am
14 Mär 2017

  • Koreanisch
  • Französisch (Frankreich)
  • Englisch (UK)
Frage über Englisch (UK)

We learn that the writer's my mum is thoughtful and hearty. She is thought and shows her lover for her daughter, Waris, when she wakes Waris up to let her escape- from the horrible, forced marriage arrangement. We can infer from this that her mum has also probably been forced to an unwanted marriage herself, therefore wishing her daughter to not experience the same thing.
The mum is also hearty because she risks herself to be "told off" by her husband when he finds out about this. Moreover, Waris instantly thinks of her mum when she feels exhausted about this never-ending escape: "I just wanted to go back home with Mama" (line 55). This portrays the close relationship Waris had with her gentle and caring mum.
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