Aktualisiert am
14 Aug 2022

  • Arabisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Spanisch (Mexiko)
Frage über Englisch (US)

Choose the correct answer :
The new phone underwent-------review and testing by hundreds of consumers whose consistent raves about its-------- features confirmed that it was ready to go to market.

A. detailed... unilateral
B. stringent... unprecedented
C.meticulous... customary
D.rigorous... formal
E. lenient ... outstanding

The transition to a new industry was
more challenging than he thought due
to the unfamiliar ---------,but his--------kicked in and he bought a specialist dictionary after his first
week on the job.
A. linguistics... practicality
B. lexicon ... idealism
C. jargon... resourcefulness
D. norms... pragmatism
E. customs... utilitarianism

[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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Choose the correct answer :
The new phone underwent-------review and testing by hundreds of consumers whose consistent raves about its-------- features confirmed that it was ready to go to market.

A. detailed... unilateral
B. stringent... unprecedented
C.meticulous... customary
D.rigorous... formal
E. lenient ... outstanding

The transition to a new industry was
more challenging than he thought due
to the unfamiliar ---------,but his--------kicked in and he bought a specialist dictionary after his first
week on the job.
A. linguistics... practicality
B. lexicon ... idealism
C. jargon... resourcefulness
D. norms... pragmatism
E. customs... utilitarianism
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