Aktualisiert am
30 Jun 2017

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
Frage über Englisch (US)

Hi, could you correct below sentence

I like to travel anywhere. The first trip by own was in Cambodia and Vietnam. It was when I was in Uni and I was not good at English at the time. So I tried to communicate somehow with local people since their mother tongue also is not English.
And I leaned some culture at there like Asian people have breakfast at outside not at their house.
And I love to visit some religious building or historical building such as Angkor Vat which is a part of World Heritage.
When I visited there first time, I was impressed how beautiful it was and I could stay there for long time.
I was wondering like how the ancients made this temple and where did the design come from. So I love to visit these kind of building.
And also I love to try local food because even we use same ingredient the way to cook is different.

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  • Englisch (US)

  • Japanisch
[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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Hi, could you correct below sentence

I like to travel anywhere. The first trip by own was in Cambodia and Vietnam. It was when I was in Uni and I was not  good at English at the time. So I tried to communicate somehow with local people since their mother tongue also is not English. 
And I leaned some culture at there like Asian people have breakfast at outside not at their house.
And I love to visit some religious building or historical building such as Angkor Vat which is a part of World Heritage. 
When I visited there first time, I was impressed how beautiful it was and I could stay there for long time.
I was wondering like how the ancients made this temple and where did the design come from. So I love to visit these kind of building.
And also I love to try local food because even we use same ingredient the way to cook is different.
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