Aktualisiert am
18 Jul 2017

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (UK)
Frage über Englisch (UK)

Please correctmy mistakes!

The second future of his experimental animation is he challenge a new way / style.
As compared to his First experimental animation "Tales of a street corner", "Pictures at an exhibition" and "Legend of the forest" are very different from that.

Also, in" Pictures at an exhibition" and "Legend of the forest", his animation style has changed in the works.

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  • Englisch (UK)
  • Persisch

  • Japanisch
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Please correctmy mistakes!

The second future of his experimental animation is he challenge a new way / style. 
As compared to his First experimental animation "Tales of a street corner", "Pictures at an exhibition" and "Legend of the forest" are very different from that.

 Also, in" Pictures at an exhibition" and "Legend of the forest", his animation style has changed in the works.
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