Aktualisiert am
26 Okt 2017

  • Koreanisch
  • Englisch (UK)
Frage über Englisch (UK)

The coexistence of human and nature

In these days indiscreet developing in rural area causes many side effects that disturb to preserve nature. However, many places are requiring new houses for increased population recently.
The writer will describe about issues and solution that related with this topic.

Firstly, government has to properly analyse population of particular administrative territory, as well as they need to forbid building new houses more than necessary.
Secondly, they need to enforce new law to construct new structures in country side that avoid building in valuable natural places that deserve to conserve.
In these fact, as long as they follow to limit constructing new houses in country side, people can be coexisted with nature in the future with minimum harm and damage. Otherwise they will might be seen unexpected karma one day.

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