Aktualisiert am
15 Nov 2017

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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Frage über Englisch (US)

This is called Hamu-katsu in Japanese. It is ham cutlet that is cooked like deep-fried breaded ham.

In Japan, some restaurants and bars that open from in the evening and mainly offer alcohol beverages have low priced foods as nibbles.
Many of the places offer Hamu-katsu.

Maybe you already know about Japanese style food Tonkatsu / Gyukatsu. It is one of the most popular foods in Japan and it is cooked like deep-fried breaded pork / beef.

If your purpose to go there is having lunch or dinner, these foods are better, but if you prefer drinking to eating food, this Hamu-katsu is much very well for drinking and much cheaper.

Give it a try during traveling in Japan!
klingt das natürlich?

I would like you to proofread this to more natural English please.
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