Aktualisiert am
14 Dez 2017

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
Frage über Englisch (US)

Was bedeutet and it strengthens focus to the point that some ADHD patients elect to throw out their prescriptions. ?

That's the part of following sentences.

Exercise has been shown to help people learn much more efficiently, better deal with stress, and drastically reduce anxiety.
It improves mood to the point of lifting people people out of depression, and it strengthens focus to the point that some ADHD patients elect to throw out their prescriptions.

I found that in the following Youtube video.

Does it mean "Some ADHD patients improved so much in keeping focus on their works or studies that they no longer need medicines?"
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Was bedeutet and it strengthens focus to the point that some ADHD patients elect to throw out their prescriptions. ?
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