Aktualisiert am
11 Feb 2018

  • Türkisch
  • Russisch
  • Englisch (US)
  • Italienisch
Frage über Englisch (US)

‎Turkish Nazi supporters

I personally had a chance to meet some of them. I think there are many Nazi supporters in Turkey especially among young generations. Here are some of the reasons:

Turkey didn’t join WW2, therefore people didn’t experience any Nazi invasion or a shame for fighting with them. That is why in Turkey we have no real memory about Third Reich.

Turkey has always been a nationalist and religious country. Especially nationalist movements were under influence of religion for many years. But since 2002, Turkey has been ruled by conservative government and country has become more religious every day. That is why new nationalist movements look negatively on Islam. This type of mindsets are trying to exclude religion from Turkish nationalism. Nazi movement can be also considered as a type of religiousless nationalism. This makes to pay more attention to Nazi Germany and some new nationalists are appreciating their point of view about nationalism.

In Turkey, there is no significant number of Jewish minority, but you can notice a serious antisemitism among conservative people. This hate probably comes from religion itself and many people believe anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (like jewish people are behind of wars, if you are jewish you can become rich and so on). This increases the sympathy towards Hitler. Once, I heard this from one of my friends: “He was smart, he understood jewish people better than many others”.
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