Aktualisiert am
19 Apr 2018

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)
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Frage über Englisch (US)

Could you please check my sentence ?

A. Are you OK ?
A. You look like you feel a little off today.
B. Actually, I've had a cold since yesterday.
B. I'm about to go home.
A. I'm sorry to hear that. Take care !

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  • Französisch (Frankreich)
  • Englisch (US)

  • Englisch (US)

  • Japanisch

  • Spanisch (Venezuela)
[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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Could you please check my sentence ?

A. Are you OK ?
A. You look like you feel a little off today.
B. Actually, I've had a cold since yesterday.
B. I'm about to go home.
A. I'm sorry to hear that. Take care !
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