Aktualisiert am
28 Aug 2016

  • Traditionelles Chinesisch (Taiwan)
  • Englisch (US)
  • Japanisch
  • Koreanisch
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Frage über Englisch (US)

Was bedeutet It will have been raining for two weeks by Tuesday of next week.

Does it mean the rain will last for two weeks FROM next Tuesday or TILL next Tuesday?

I'm not sure what does the "by" in yhe sentence mean.

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  • Englisch (US)

  • Traditionelles Chinesisch (Taiwan)
[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!

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Was bedeutet It will have been raining for two weeks by Tuesday of next week.

Does it mean the rain will last for two weeks FROM next Tuesday or TILL next Tuesday?

I'm not sure what does the "by" in yhe sentence mean.?
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