Suchergebnisse für Adjust

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
794 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Adjust?

Adapt. To adjust/adapt to a new environment приспособиться к новой среде (The translation was a...
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Was bedeutet Adjust ?

Adjust is to tweak something, change it's position, or change the way it looks. :)
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Adjust your clothes to look perfect

Adjust means what?

To fix or in this case “clean”. Adjust your clothes to look perfect means make yourself more pres...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Adjust to the lifestyle here. und Adjust to the life here. ?

Lifestyle: specifically the in and out of every day life. E.g. going to work at night requires and adjustment in lifestyle. The life: more general, could refer to anything. Personal, work, relatio...
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On Windows setting why is it says "Adjust for best performance" not "Adjust for the best performa...

In headlines, instructions small words are often left out because of limited space.
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Which one: Adjust to eat healthy? Or adjust to eating healthy? Why so confusing? Please help!

They mean 2 different things. "You have to adjust to eat healthy" = para comer bien, hay que adaptarse (adaptarse y entonces, comer) "You have to adjust to eating healthy" = hay que adaptarse por...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Adapt und Adjust ?

They can be used synonymously at times. For example: I adapt/adjust easily to any situation. But adapt is USUALLY used when talking about someone or something that is alive and adjust is USUALLY us...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Modify und Adjust ?

Modify is when you change the existing pattern or layout of something to something new and desirable for eg. The couple would like to modify their room design with a more modern touch. on the o...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Adjust und Correct ?

adjust - change something correct - adjust in a right manner / change to something correct. examples: Stop slouching, try to correct your posture. It's too loud, can you adjust the volume?
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Was bedeutet adjust?

Adjust means to change something in a way that makes it fit better with its environment. For example: You can adjust a picture on the wall to make it straighter; If you move to a new city, you woul...
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