Suchergebnisse für Apart

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
3.244 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Apart ?

Apart in indonesia languange is bagian
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Was bedeutet Apart?

separate or away from
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Was bedeutet Torn Apart?

confused between choosing some options or unable to make a decision
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Was bedeutet Apart from?

eg. Apart from the last idea, your presentation was good. > if we don't count the last idea, everything else was good
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Was bedeutet Apart from

@harymawo it’s used to separate or exclude someone/something in a sentence. “Everyone had fun, a...
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Was bedeutet "Tear" and "Tear Apart"?

Tear can either mean: to rip, (pronounced tare) or be: a tear: that comes out of your eye when you cry, (pronounced teer) and tear apart means: to rip
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Apart from watch TV und Apart from watching TV ?

The first sentence is not right so there is no difference. The second sentence is correct
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "Aparte de" (apart of or apart from?)

Ejm: - Aparte de ti, todo el mundo va a ir al pase...

Decimos en inglés “besides” Ejm: Besides math, I like language
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why we have to say :set it apart /set apart sth rather than set apart it /set sth apart?

It's tricky, but you can sometimes say it the second way. Natural sentences: Set it apart. Set something apart from something else. Set aside something for later. Put the plate aside. Set asi...
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