Suchergebnisse für Captain

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
344 Ergebnisse

What's the difference between :
*Captain America,
*Captain American,
*American Captain , and

Captain America is a comic book character, now also in movies. An "American captain" would be a military person; captain is a rank in the military. As a title it is capitalized, Captain Jones.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen American Captain und Captain America ?

@handsomeish You should use Captain America since that’s his title/superhero name
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Captain America und Captain American ?

captain america is a character in comics and movies we say american captain not captain american this means a captain whose nationality is american or who is from the US
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Was bedeutet Captain obvious ?

Captain Obvious is a sarcastic remark when someone says something that is obviously true "This water is very wet" "Wow, great observation Captain Obvious"
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Was bedeutet Captain sensible ?

It's likely sarcasm for someone who is not very sensible.
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*Captain America

Q1. Can this phrase be changed to (without meaning changes):
The America Capta...

A1. It's a name, so I don't think it can change. Or am I misinterpreting your question? (It would be the American Captain if you're doing that) A2. There isn't a "the" because it's a specific name...
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Was bedeutet Captain america is with you homie?

Without the context, I can't say for sure but this is how I interpret it: It means that he (Capt...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Captain (eg. Captain of robotics team) und President (eg. President of the drama club) ?

Same in this context. "Captain" may imply the team/club is for a competitive activity
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Was bedeutet Captain Marvel—née Carol Danvers?

I think it’s a name
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basket captain or basketball captain?

Basketball captain
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