Suchergebnisse für Caution

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Übersetzung aus Französisch (Frankreich)
291 Ergebnisse

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Caution und careful ?

The main difference is that "caution" is a noun and more formal or emotionally detached than the adjective "careful." Examples are "Please use caution when driving in rainy weather." That's somethi...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Warning und Caution ?

A warning is stronger than a caution. Caution: This coffee may be hot. Warning: This coffee is hot!
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Was bedeutet caution?

To be careful
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Was bedeutet caution?

caution is like a warning. For example, "Caution! Road work ahead. " Meaning to slow down or you might hit a construction worker. I hope that makes sense :)
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Caution

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Care und Beware und Caution ?

take care not to break it. beware of the dog caution that drink is hot! beware is short for be aware, as in general to look out for anything bad. caution is to do something with care, to not ge...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Warning und Caution und Attention ?

Warning: used when, if someone were to continue doing what they were doing for example, something bad is going to happen. ex: a parent will warn their child when they are doing something that if th...
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How do you use "caution" to write a warning notice? For example, I know it's normal to write "cau...

The warning sign should make it extremely clear what the danger is. So an adjective like "Caution: Hot" might work, but "Caution: Head" would be confusing. You would want to say "Caution: Low Ceili...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen No time to caution und No time for caution ?

No time for caution is correct :)
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How do you pronounce the word "Caution"?

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