Suchergebnisse für Charlie

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
2.429 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet What mean ‘Crikey, charlie’ in this sentence “Crikey, Charlie, look at that”?

@HOHOssi It's just an old British expression, like gosh, gee, wow. Today many people use OMG to mean the same thing.
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Was bedeutet Charlie horse?

A sudden muscle cramp, often in the legs.
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Was bedeutet Charlie dog?

Charlie is the dog’s name
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Was bedeutet Charlie-pie?

Only thing I can guess without context is it’s a play on the phrase “cutie-pie,” which is a term ...
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Was bedeutet pull a Charlie Brown?

Pull a + name = to act like that person In this case, it means “to act like Charlie Brown” H...
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Was bedeutet Roast of Charlie Sheen?

A roast is an event thrown in someone's honor where speakers are invited to make joke's at the person's expense. When it's a celebrity, it is usually professional comedians who are making fun of th...
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Was bedeutet If Charlie gets fussy?

In context like this, "fussy" normally is used to describe a child or a baby when he/she gets cranky (in a bad mood)
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What's that Charlie Charlie thing all about? ( also does this question sound natural?)

He isn't talking about that, I believe he is talking about the viral trend thing with the pencil. (And your sentence sounds natural)
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Is Charlie Puth famous?

Yes he is... He's a famous singer.
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What is Charlie Brown saying?

No, no, not like that! You're supposed to use your claws!
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