Suchergebnisse für Chip

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
1.076 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Ever come to this side of the pond?Chip chip?

"Ever come over to this side of the pond" is a slang way of asking whether you have crossed a massive ocean before (like the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian). It is a small joke to compare something a ma...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen chip away und chip through und chip out ?

1 - YES we say that. t o CHIP AWAY at something means to make SMALL progress, a little at a time. 2 and 3: NEVER heard that expression.. we (US based americans) never say that so the "difference...
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Was bedeutet Chip in ?

To help work, to put in your fair share
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Was bedeutet Chip in ?

It means "to add your part" For example: My colleagues kept asking me to chip in to the money po...
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Was bedeutet Chip in ?

means to contribute, they were collecting money for the war veterans, so he decided to 'chip in"
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Was bedeutet Chip in?

It means provide money toward something. "I'm going to get pizza. Will you chip in?"
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Was bedeutet Chip in?

In general, it means to help in some kind of joint effort among multiple people. One can chip in by paying part of a bill. Or one can chip in by doing part of some work that other people are also...
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Was bedeutet Chip in?

it means to help out or to pay for a part of something
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Was bedeutet Chip in?

It means to contribute, or to add something.
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Was bedeutet Chip in?

Help / contribute If everyone chips in we will finish a lot faster I think if we all chip in 5 dollars we can buy 3 pizzas
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