Suchergebnisse für Convergence

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
78 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Convergence?

It means the process of coming together. Example: the two roads converged in the middle of town.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Convergence und gathering ?

Convergence usually implies a coming together of two things, often in a permanent way or harmonious way. It is also usually used more with abstract nouns. For example: In this movie, music and ar...
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Convergence fold many services

What does this means?

this is a play on the idiom 'bring into the fold' (the definition of which i cannot find) I think it means bringing into the gated field of knowledge known as 'convergence'
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Was bedeutet convergence?

It means things coming together. Or things connecting. "It is the convergence of math and sociology that created economics." "The two families converged in the garden where the wedding would hap...
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Was bedeutet convergence?

Depends on where you’re using it! It usually means like things are moving together to eventually ...
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Was bedeutet Whatever convergence is occurring is going in the opposite direction to the increased equality th...?

It basically means "a coming together IS happening but the coming together that is happening is not resulting in an increase of equality. People who supported convergence thinking it would increase...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen combine und convergence ?

Combine is when two or more things are merged together (think about mixing ingredients together in a cake). When two or more things come together or meet (think of two lines meeting one another at...
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How can I use another word instead of "convergence" in the following phrase:
" convergence of cu...

i feel like "convergence" fits the sentence very well. you don't need to change it.
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? convergence

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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? convergence

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