Suchergebnisse für Evaluation

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
733 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Evaluation?

past tense of evolve
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Assessment und Evaluation ?

No real difference.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Estimation und Evaluation ?

An estimation is a guess about how much somebody would charge for something or how much somethin...
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Evaluation

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen evaluation of und evaluation on und evaluation about ?

"evaluation of" and "evaluation on" mean exactly the same thing in every example I can find. "Evaluation of" is by far the most common form. The expression "evaluation about" really doesn't exist....
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We want to carry out a class evaluation by students during the class hour.

Which writing is co...

Number 2 would be more appropriate if you are notifying the students before the evaluation. (in order for them to prepare). The first one is correct if you are already conducting the evaluation and...
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Was bedeutet evaluation?

An evaluation is when someone comes to check your work/progress and make sure everything is on track and then provides feedback based on their findings.
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Was bedeutet self-evaluation ?

Self-evaluation is a judgement on one’s self. For example if someone asked ‘Can you tell me your...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen a five-grade evaluation und five-grade evaluation ?

We don't say "five-grade", rather, we say "fifth grade" in the US.
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