Suchergebnisse für Eventually

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
1.115 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Eventually ?

It means at some point in the future, even if it’s far away in the future
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Was bedeutet Eventually?

at a time in the future. I work hard but I am still poor right now. Eventually I will have money if I continue to work hard and save. I am alone but eventually I will meet someone.
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Was bedeutet Eventually ?

@joaovictormendes in time something in the future
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Was bedeutet Eventually ?

Something will happen in future. When in the future is not known. Example. "I will learn to speak Portuguese, eventually."
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Is there a difference between these 2 sentences?
You'll eventually die.
Eventually, you'll die.

Yes eventually is correct in those sentences! You wouldn't use finally (if you did it would sound like you wanted them to die). Both of those sentences are correct as well in terms of placement, al...
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Was bedeutet Eventually at some point ?

It means at some later time. The thing will eventually happen, but we don't know when. Eventually, at some point, you need to make a decision on which university to go to.
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Was bedeutet I will reply always. Eventually ?

They will definitely answer you. But the time that it happens is not indicated. It could happen tomorrow or next year. You don't know when it will happen but it definitely will happen.
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Was bedeutet Eventually, the counselors caught wind of it. ?

Eventually, the counselors heard about it.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Eventually und Finally ?

Eventually= has not happened yet but it will happen Finally= has happened after a long long Examples: [ He will eventually find his way back home.] [ She finally found her long lost sister. ]
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Eventually und Finally ?

Eventually means it will happen, but hasn't yet. Finally mean it has happened.
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