Suchergebnisse für Flashlight

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
92 Ergebnisse

Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Flashlight / Torch.

I use a flashlight to see in the dark. I couldn't find the light switch, so I used my phone flashlight. The power went out, so we had to use flashlights to see. American English uses flashlight ...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flashlight beam und flashlight ?

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flashlight beam und flashlight ray ?

Both refer to 光. Ray = singular beam of light Beam = usually brighter (と言う意味が含んでいますかな?)
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Was bedeutet flashlight?

A flashlight is a small item to shine light. Could be called a torch in some places.
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Was bedeutet flashlight?

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Which sound should be pronounced? flAshlight OR flEshlight
When you say Flashlight , is the A s...

The A in Adam and Anne are the same in American English, and that is that sound in Flashlight. Neither vowel in "flashlight" is reduced to an "uh" sound. Don't say it as "fleshlight", that is a br...
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Do you say rear flashlight or back flashlight for the cellphone?

I don't know if there's a specific word for it. You could say "cellphone light" "light from my phone" "cellphone flashlight" I'll say something like: "Hold on, let me turn on my flashlight." And mo...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen please light on here with your flashlight und please shine on here with your flashlight ?

"light here" doesn't make sense in that context. correct way: please shine your flashlight here.
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which one is correct ?
1-flashlight battery running out
2-flashlight is running out of battery

In this case, 2 is correct. "The flashlight is running out of battery" is a more natural way to say it. But if you want to say 1, you can change it to "The flashlight's battery is running out." In ...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen torch und flashlight ?

I did a quick google search and apparently in the UK they say “torch” instead of “flashlight.” So...
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