Suchergebnisse für Fragment

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Übersetzung aus Spanisch (Mexiko)
170 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Fragment?

Mảnh hoặc miếng, vỡ ra từng mảnh! @Anhvu09
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Fragment und Piece und Shard ?

They all refer to part of the whole. Fragment and shard are very similar. Probably something broke or shattered and now there are only very small pieces, probably sharp and pointed (especially fo...
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Was bedeutet “ fragment ”?

it means a small part of something
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen fragment und fragments ?

Fragment is only one, fragments is more than one. They mean the same thing. A large fragment of the map was missing. He swept the fragments of paper up.
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1. Sentence Fragment Test can only apply if the sentence is open interrogative.

2. Sentence F...

I go for Sentence 2.
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Was bedeutet Because they chose to buy the house.

this sentence:
fragment?fragments? complete??

it's grammatically correct, but the because implies that something is missing before the sentence
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen fraction und fragment ?

They can both mean the same thing when it pertains to a part of something broken off. However, a fraction can also be a numerical quantity, like one-half (1/2) or two-thirds (2/3).
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen debris und fragment ?

@wshdwb Debris – all of the mess Fragment – one piece of the mess
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen piece und fragment ?

Piece is a part of something, fragment is a small piece of something that’s broken
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen fragment und fraction ?

When using the word fragment, you are suggesting a missing or detached piece. Example: The senten...
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