Suchergebnisse für Hailing

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
270 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Hail o Hailing? Es con respecto al clima, gracias ?

There is a lot of big hail on the ground because it was hailing earlier
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Was bedeutet hailing ?

@DANYA-1 home/origin they hail from Egypt. hailing - Frozen rain it's hailing so hard.
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Was bedeutet Ride-hailing?

It means you're trying to get a ride hailing in particular refers to trying to get a taxi.
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Was bedeutet ride-hailing?

It's when someone makes a gesture (called hailing) to tell a car (usually a taxi, but possibly a friend) to stop and pick him/her up.
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Was bedeutet ride-hailing?

It means to solicit a taxi.
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Was bedeutet hailing from..?

"Hailing from" means that someone originates or is coming from a particular place. It is a little old-fashioned, and isn't heard very often in every day speech. It is more often seen in writing, ...
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Was bedeutet car-hailing business?

car-hailing means requesting a car such as a taxi. So it could refer to a business that helps people find a ride or order a taxi for their destination
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Was bedeutet there's refueling and hailing.?

It's hard to tell without more context. I'd assume hailing means ice rain, and refueling is for t...
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"Hailing the snow, piled white and deep" how to better understand the verb hail in this sentence?

hailing = welcoming
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is ``hailing taxi`` canadian english?

Nope, we hail taxis in America too.
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