Suchergebnisse für Handel

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Übersetzung aus Deutsch
1.149 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet handel?

Handle: A handle is a part of a door or drawer that sticks out. You can pull it to open the compartment it is applied to. If that helps...
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? How can i say i can't handel that؟

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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Wie wähle ich eine Plattform mit einer guten Benutzeroberfläche und praktischen Funktionen für de...

How should I choose a platform which has a good user interface and convenient features for cryptocurrency trading?
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Was bedeutet handle in “verified handle”?

Handle is like "username." So it's a verified username.
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Was bedeutet To handle?

maneggiare qualcosa
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Was bedeutet handle?

Handle means several things. A handle is a part of a pot, cabinet, or other object that allows your hand to take hold and easily move or use the object. If you handle something, you are taking c...
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Was bedeutet to handle?

to deal with something. eg. - she handled the young puppies with care - She handled the affairs with relative ease - She could not handle the pressure and broke down in tears
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Was bedeutet handle ?

In what context?
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Was bedeutet handle?

capaz It means to be capable of caring for something
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Was bedeutet Handle?

Verb: to be able to take care of (usually for hard situations) -I can handle this tough situation. -I know how to handle children. Noun: something used to hold on -Please grab the handle of t...
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