Suchergebnisse für Heat

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
1.786 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet ambient heat (heat pumps)?

@Kawagu-cchan The term "ambient heat" refers to heat that is present in layers of air close to the ground, in surface bodies of water and in the ground a few metres below the surface, primarily thr...
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Was bedeutet Heat?

Heat is the opposite of cold. It is represented by a higher temperature. The sun has a lot of heat.
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Was bedeutet Heat?

It could be a noun: "There is too much heat in this room." "Add heat with a flame until the liquid reaches the boiling point" It could be a verb: "Please heat the soup, it is too cold". "Heat the ...
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Was bedeutet Heat?

temper, warm up
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Was bedeutet the first heat and the last heat in Skateboard
What does heat mean here??

With 30 racers, we will need 5 heats. Each heat has 6 racers. When the race starts, the first heat does their race, then the second heat, and so on until the fifth and last heat is run.
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Was bedeutet Heat Maggie?

Not sure about this but as far as I know “Maggie” is an Indian noodles brand name. I’ve seen many...
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Was bedeutet Heat duty

In an exchanger heat duty is "the amount of heat needed to transfer from a hot side to the cold s...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Heat has no mass. und Heat has not mass. ?

@Giann8 Il negativo di have non è haven't / have not. Gli italiani persistono in questo pensier...
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on medium heat

in medium heat

at medium heat

which one is correct??

you can't say ON medium HEAT..heat is hot air.. if you say AT..well actually AT only use for places ..
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen heat und heat up ?

Heat is hot. You could say “I’m gonna heat my food in the microwave.” And “I’m gonna heat up my f...
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