Suchergebnisse für Inextricable

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
15 Ergebnisse

Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Inextricable

it's the same.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen inextricable und inalienable ?

"Inalienable" means that something cannot be taken from you. "Inalienable human rights" means that nothing can take away those rights. "Inextricable" means that things are so entwined or tangled up...
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? inextricable

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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit inextricable.

That couple over there are inextricable. Online shopping is inextricable to me because I don’t ...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Inalienable und Inextricably ?

Inalienable: cannot be taken away. we have several inalienable rights Inextricably: permanent the two are inextricably linked together
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Is the word “inextricable” a synonym to the word “inevitable”? If not, could you provide examples...

The term inextricable means impossible to separate, and inevitable means unavoidable. However, they're not quite the same. Some examples may make better sense. 1. Each nationality is inextricable...
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Any one who has a idea of the root of “inextricable”? I think there should be one but I found the...

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Was bedeutet faulty arithmetic at the heart of the Empowerment Industrial Complex

seeing and being were ine...?

The passage is saying that the Trump presidency demonstrated the faulty foundation that inspirational messaging without societal follow-through is based on, and that those issues were easily exploi...
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"Inextricably" is deemed a normally used word?

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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? What’s a good synonym for “interlinkedness” or “the state of being inextricably intertwined”?

conjoined or symbiotic would work as good synonyms
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