Suchergebnisse für Office

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
5.180 Ergebnisse

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Office relationship und Office romance ?

They mean the same.
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Was bedeutet Welfare Office ?

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Can I call this:
1. "Office floor ma...

Office floor map. However, to my understanding, if the office is just a one-story building, you can also refer to it as an office map. An office floor map is the map of the entire floor where your ...
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Was bedeutet Local office / regional office?

An office for a specific region. Let's say your company has an office in New York. Also, your company has a headquarter in California . So the office in New York would be the regional or local off...
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Was bedeutet The Intellectual Property Office became the operating name of The Patent Office on 2 April 2007. ?

I see why you ask. This is complicated, even for native speakers. On 2 April 2007, the Intellectual Property Office changed its name. It then became known as the Patent Office Office. Why did it...
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Does this sound natural?

We have adopted office hoteling for Osaka Office and have established O...

“We have adopted office hoteling for the Osaka Office and have established Office User Rules.”
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Was bedeutet back-office and front-office?

back-office is away from the general public. front office is customer facing.
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Was bedeutet back-office and front-office?

@KingWangZzang Front-office employees are the people who interact with the customers while back-office employees work to run the business from behind the scenes.
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Offices and office is are pronounced the same?

The "s" in "offices" is pronounced.
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Was bedeutet Godzillary? (from The Office series) ?

It's a portmanteau of "Godzilla" and "Hillary." It's a nickname for Jan because she is often compared to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and she is scary like Godzilla.
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