Suchergebnisse für Owner

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
9.137 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Owner?

"Proprietário/possuidor Owner vem do verbo "to own"(possuir).
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Was bedeutet Owner very hands on.?

Someone who is "hands on" does the work themselves instead of delegating to others.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Owner und Own ?

Owner is a noun, Own is a verb "Is he the owner of this car? Yes, he owns this car."
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Owner und Host ?

You use 'host' when talking about a person with guests, while 'owner' means a person who owns the place. The host* of the party is a bald man. (=Person who organised the party) The owner* of the h...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Owner und Wielder ?

wielder means someone who is using or wielding something, like a sword owner implies a legal relationship where something is property and belongs to someone
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Proprietor und Owner ?

Proprietor is used for businesses. An owner can own anything. I own my car, but am not its proprietor.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Possessor und Owner ?

A possessor could be a bank or a loan company that took something because no payments are made. An owner is the rightful owner of something.
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Owner A-> B -> C-> D
Now the thing is owned by D.
Then, can I call B a previous owner?

Yes. A, B and C are all previous owners. Although if you say "the previous owner" then it can only be C, because "the previous owner" would mean the last or most recent previous owner.
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Was bedeutet owner?

If you “own” something you are the “owner” Own means it is yours.
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Was bedeutet owner?

Owner means someone who owns something.
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