Suchergebnisse für Ramble

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Übersetzung aus Französisch (Frankreich)
127 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Ramble?

There are two definitions: 1. (most common) To talk in a confusing way, using a lot of words but not really saying anything important. "He doesn't know what he's talking about. He just rambles on...
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Was bedeutet Ramble?

To "ramble on" would be where you start talking about the main topic, but then you start talking about topics that are less and less related to the original topic you were talking about (until you ...
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Was bedeutet Ramble?

“(to) ramble” means talking a lot about something inconsequently
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Was bedeutet



To talk a lot in a boring or confusing way. “All she does is ramble on.”
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit to Ramble / I've Rambled...

I kept rambling on about how a dog ran up to me and bit my leg.
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Was bedeutet What's the meaning of “To Ramble” ??

To talk for a long time in a way that is boring, annoying, or confusing. Example: To ramble about paper for theee hours.
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Was bedeutet ramble about?

To ramble about something is to keep talking about something without ever getting to the point. As a noun, a "ramble" is an unorganized speech or piece of writing that covers many topics. In oth...
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Ramble.

@i_366186252549414 “She rambled on and on about her day went and never answered my question.”
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Was bedeutet “ramble on “meaning?

To continue talking about uninteresting or unimportant things
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Ramble on.

"When I get nervous, I start rambling on about nearly any topic that comes to mind 😅" "Would you...
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