Suchergebnisse für Repeat

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
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1.240 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Repeat ??

to say something again. to re-say what you just said.
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Which one?

Repeat it to me.
Repeat it for me.

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Was bedeutet A Repeat entertainer?

This is not a common expression. The expression "repeat offender" describes a person who keeps committing crimes, so perhaps this person is trying to be clever by saying they are always entertain...
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Was bedeutet Press Star to Repeat?

@pungprui011 this sounds like it’s referring to an automated message on your phone when calling s...
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"Repeat customer (repeat)", "regular customer (regular)"
Is there any difference in nuance?

Yes. Repeat customer just means that you have been there more than once. Regular customer means you go there all the time.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Repeat what I just said und Repeat what I've just said ?

As far as I know, they are in different tenses. Es "Repite lo que dije" y "repite lo que he dicho"
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Was bedeutet not, repeat, not good
not (repeat NOT) good?

A very, very strong version of "not good". It has the same meaning as "not good", just with more emphasis.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Repeat und Again ?

Repeat is when you do something over and over. And again is when you simply do something over. So they are very very similar
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Repeat und Reiterate ?

They have the same meaning just used in different contexts. Example sentence 1: May you repeat the question, please? Example sentence 2: Reiterate the programming code that is on the white board. ...
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Repeat. It's drudgery.
right? please.

Yeah, dull work -drudgery.
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