Suchergebnisse für Rod

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
313 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Rod ?

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Was bedeutet Rod?

@Evgenii_Molodykh The word "rod" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possible meanings: 1. **A thin, straight stick or pole:** For example, a fishing rod, curtain ...
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Was bedeutet Rod?

@Duong_Bao_Nhi usually it means a metal pole or stick
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dowsing rod und divining rod ?

@_145231933616339 That’s a very good question. A dowsing rod is specifically used to find water...
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Was bedeutet "Hot rod"?

it’s a type of car
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Curtain rail und Curtain rod und curtain pole und traverse rod ?

Curtain rail is a slider on which the curtain can be moved using small wheels. Curtain rod and curatin pole are the same. I don't know about traverse rod, I assume it is a rod with ball berrings ma...
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Was bedeutet to be a lightning rod?

It is a metal rod attached to the roof of a house with wires that go into the ground. So, a lightning bolt will hit the rod and pass safely into the ground.
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I caught this fish by fishing rod or I caught this fish with fishing rod

“i caught this fish with a fishing rod” is right or you can simply say “i caught this fish using ...
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Was bedeutet “lightning rod” in 313?

A lightning rod is a metal rod designed to attract lightning so that it does not damage something else. A building might have a lightning rod on the top in order to protect the rest of the building...
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Was bedeutet "point this not rod thataway"?

@tokonastuka Not rod???? Do you mean hot rod? A hot rod is a type of specialty car. Thataway...
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