Suchergebnisse für Sand

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Übersetzung aus Norwegisch (Bokmal)
1.175 Ergebnisse

Cover by sand or cover of sand?

Depends on what you're trying to say... "Cover by sand" means something is being covered by sand but "Cover of sand" means that a book cover or a cover of something is made of sand.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Sand und Sands ?

@hhoc2000 Sand as in sand at the beach? If so, “sand” is used when you are talking about just 1 ...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Sand und Sands ?

@hhoc2000 Sand is correct. I don't think sands is a word in common language. Sand does not have a plural. For example, The sand on the beach was very dirty. My hourglass broke and the sand in it...
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Was bedeutet Sand materials?

What's the context?
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Could you tell me Which id right?
"play sand" Or "play with sand"?
"dig sand "Or "dig in the sand"?

@Christina77 it is correct, but we don’t usually say that. It’s more natural to say: She’s playi...
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coarse sand und rough sand ?

They both really mean the same thing. Rough can focus more the the texture, and course can focus ...
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Which is correct?

The building is sand color.
The building is a sand color.
The building is ...

その四つも違います。 The building is sand-colored. の方が正しいです。hyphen (「-」)を付けました。
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Was bedeutet sand?

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Was bedeutet sand?

As a noun, think of sand on the beach. As a verb, to sand is to make something smoother by rubbing something with an abrasive surface (namely sandpaper).
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Was bedeutet sand?

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