Suchergebnisse für Session

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Übersetzung aus Italienisch
639 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Jam Session?

A group of musicians improvising together
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Session und Section ?

Session is a period of time for an appointment Section is like a department
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen on a session und in a session ?

I can't think of any context where "on a session" would be used, unless the "on" is part of a phrasal verb like "sit in on": "We were asked to sit in on a session." But in that case, "on" is attach...
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Session.

Congress is in session. I attended the morning session but not the afternoon session. The prize was a free session with a hairstylist.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen learning session und training session ?

@nico25c Yes. because you learn when they show you or tell you what to do. The training doesn't have to be physical. As an example, they can be teaching you an information course online. The diffe...
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Session

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Was bedeutet session?

A session is a period of time, normally a scheduled time slot to meet with someone "It's time for...
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Was bedeutet session?

“Session” is like a period of time in which a specific thing is happening, or is expected to happ...
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Was bedeutet session?

A meeting or time dedicated to a certain activity. “The music session starts at 5” “The session u...
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Was bedeutet session ?

Session is a portion of time focused on one subject or task
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