Suchergebnisse für Triple

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
170 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Triple take?

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Was bedeutet Triple demic?

"Triple-demic" is a portmanteau, which is when you get two words and combine both their meaning and their spelling. It is a portmanteau of the words "Triple" and "Pandemic". Triple means "3". A...
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Was bedeutet Triple Major?

A "major" is the primary field of study one is undertaking at a university with the intention of obtaining some sort of degree. In the US, a 4-year program will generally result in a Bachelor's deg...
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What is Triple-A?

Triple-A is an insurance company or a very crazy high rating. AAA insurance Wow his rating is triple A: C-lowest B A A+ AA AA+ AAA S-highest
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Was bedeutet triple threat ( she's a true triple threat) ?

Someone in a particular field who shows three skills that are necessary to excel. When people use it over her sometimes they are talking about how good a guy/girl are so for example: The lady is ...
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Was bedeutet that Vegas heat Triple digits?

The temperature in the US is measured in Fahrenheit. triple digits is anything above 100 Fahrenheit(37.778 Celsius). This is because there are three numbers. He's stating that there is a heat wave.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Trio und triple ?

Trio is a noun meaning "a group of three". Triple is an adjective meaning "Three times". "The trio of friends went to the restaurant." "I used a triple-strength medicine for my injury."
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Was bedeutet Triple flip with chips for the dip!?

I have no idea. This is not a normal English phrase. Chips = corn or potato chips. Dip is something to dip your chips into (ranch dip, bean dip, onion dip, etc.) before eating them together. No i...
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1 milion = one, triple zero, triple zero?

yes 1.000.000
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Was bedeutet Virus to triple Z ("Virus to triple Z? Wipe everything.")?

That is not a common phrase, as far as I know, so I don't know what it means without more context.
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